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Long-Term Effects of Whiplash from an Auto Accident

Whiplash Lawyer NY

Recent studies show that those suffering from whiplash are at an increased risk for traumatic brain injury (TBI). Car accidents are one of the most common collisions that result in a whiplash injury. Whiplash is often dismissed because the symptoms do not always present themselves right away. Research suggests that individuals who experience whiplash may …

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Personal Injury Cases Involving an Amputation or Loss of Limbs

Amputation Lawyer New York

Our experienced attorneys fight for fair compensation for amputation victims or loss of limb injuries throughout New York. Experiencing the stress of a violent accident, such as a car accident or construction accident, can be traumatic enough. However, the trauma is magnified exponentially when an individual must subsequently undergo surgery to have a limb amputated …

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Involved in a Motorcycle Accident – What You Need to Know

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer NY

We are passionate about seeking all available compensation to help victims deal with medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. It’s almost spring, which means perfect weather for getting your motorcycle out and going for a drive. Motorcycles are a great transportation option for many New York residents. However, as most motorcycle …

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Symptoms of a Concussion After an Accident – What You Need to Know

Symptoms of a Concussion

Symptoms of a concussion often go undetected. However, when severe and left untreated, concussions can be fatal or result in life-long disabilities. A concussion is a traumatic injury to the brain. While they are common injuries for many accident victims, they are severe. But they frequently go undiagnosed because many people fail to recognize the …

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Understanding the Causes of Wrong-Way Driving Accidents

Wrong Way Driver Accident Lawyer

If you suffered injuries or losses related to a car accident with a wrong-way driver, we can help you understand your legal rights. Also known as counterflow driving, wrong-way auto accidents are some of the most catastrophic accidents involving vehicles on the road. If you suffered injuries or losses related to a car accident with …

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Victim of a Spinal Cord Injury – What You Need to Know

Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

There is a high financial, physical, and emotional cost to spinal cord injuries, and victims need to understand their legal options. Spinal cord injuries (SPI) are one of the most devasting and life-changing injuries a victim can suffer. These injuries have a wide range of symptoms, from minor pain that goes away with physical therapy …

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