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What You Should Know About Lacerations on New York Construction Sites

new york construction worker with a laceration injury

In 2019 alone, there were around 8,100 construction injuries and illnesses recorded in New York. Among these are lacerations. Working in construction can certainly be dangerous. One of the injuries that a construction worker can sustain is a laceration. Like most work-related injuries, a laceration can be expensive to treat and may prevent you from …

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Common Mistakes People Make in Dog Bite Injury Cases

You’re entitled to file for compensation after a dog bite injury. However, there are some common mistakes people make after they have been bitten. Millions of people suffer dog bites each year. In fact, according to the CDC, dog bites occur about every 75 seconds in the U.S. The World Atlas estimates that over 50 …

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Whiplash Car Accident Settlements: Facts to Keep in Mind

Whiplash Injury Lawyer NJ

As whiplash cases rise, such as in New York, you need to know what such an accident can mean financially and health-wise. According to the National Highway Traffic Administration, about 5 to 6 million road accidents occur annually. Out of these, 3 million Americans report sustaining whiplash injuries, with a tenth of the number going …

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What Are Secondary Car Crashes?

Car Accident Attorney NY

According to the Federal Highway Administration, one in every five auto accidents is a secondary accident. Car accidents roughly break down into two types: primary and secondary accidents. You can think of a primary accident as a first-hand accident or a standard/typical car accident. On the other hand, a secondary car accident is an accident …

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Injured in an Accident Caused by Falling or Spilled Truck Cargo?

NY Truck Accident Lawyer

Our attorneys will help you collect evidence, guide you through the entire claim process and ensure your rights are protected. If a commercial truck is not properly loaded or secured, the cargo can shift during transit, causing the driver to lose control. When this type of truck accident occurs, the result can be serious bodily …

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