Recent studies show that those suffering from whiplash are at an increased risk for traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Car accidents are one of the most common collisions that result in a whiplash injury. Whiplash is often dismissed because the symptoms do not always present themselves right away. Research suggests that individuals who experience whiplash may also suffer long-term effects. If you’ve been involved in an auto accident, it is essential to seek medical treatment immediately. But it’s also important to return for a follow-up check for a re-evaluation.
If you have been injured in a New York car accident, contact Apicella & Schlesinger Attorneys at Law. We are committed to representing our clients with the highest level of professionalism and walking you through every step of your case.

Long-Term Effects of Whiplash
Whiplash is a soft tissue injury to the neck. Also known as a neck sprain or strain, whiplash is characterized by several symptoms following damage to the neck. Most whiplash injuries result from a collision that includes sudden acceleration or deceleration.
Symptoms of whiplash include:
- Neck pain
- Neck stiffness
- Shoulder pain
- Lower back pain
- Dizziness
- Ringing in your ears
- Blurred vision
- Numbness or pain in arm or hand
- Concentration or memory issues
- Sleeplessness or Tiredness
These symptoms suggest that whiplash affects more than just the neck muscles. In fact, recent studies show that those suffering from whiplash are at an increased risk for traumatic brain injury (TBI).
There have been reports of brain dysfunction and lower extremity weakness in extreme cases. Their cognitive thinking is affected for some victims, and they may have trouble with attention spans and multitasking. Symptoms of a more severe case of whiplash include:
- Scattered or disorganized communication skills
- Increased sensitivity to sound
- Impaired or slowed reaction time
- Diminished or reduced IQ
- Psychological problems
These symptoms indicate a brain injury and can occur alongside other long-term effects of whiplash.
Delayed Symptoms
Brain injuries involve a complex chain of events, with most of the effects becoming noticeable within the first 24 hours. Immediately after an accident, most people go to the hospital. While it’s essential to seek immediate medical attention, it may also lead doctors to misdiagnose the injury.
Because many TBIs show delayed symptoms, it’s important to return to a medical facility if any new symptoms appear and ask for a re-evaluation.
When to Contact a Car Accident Lawyer
If you were involved in an accident and have any questions concerning your injuries or legal rights, contact Apicella & Schlesinger Attorneys at Law. Never hurry to settle with the insurance company. You need time to heal and make sure that you don’t have any injuries that could threaten your health long-term. It’s the insurance company’s job to get you to settle quickly. As your lawyers, we can handle the insurance company for you and help you with any issues you have. We make sure that our clients receive the compensation they need and deserve.
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